Supply Chain Management
Are small supply chain breakdowns causing big problems too often in your organization? Is more stability required?
- How much $ could be made available if your inventory levels were optimized?
- Is your organization writing-off significant losses due to inventory control issues?
- Are your suppliers being held accountable? Could your key suppliers provide additional value?
- Does your supply chain have a robust Key Performance Indicator program in place with action plans defined for improvement?
- How much $ is your organization spending on freight annually? Could this be reduced?
Supply Chain Management encompasses all operational processes from end-to-end; from fulfilling a customer order to ordering raw material (and everything in between). The stability of an organization's supply chain is highly dependent on the strength of the organization's processes. The Supply Chain Management stream focuses on developing, defining, and implementing processes effectively - as well as improving existing processes as a collaborative team. This stream also has options for focused optimization projects for specific points of the supply chain based on an organization's needs (e.g. inventory management & control, warehouse management, transportation management, forecasting, supplier performance management, distribution network design).