027 Classic "Simplified" Strategic Huddle System (DCOE23)
027 Classic "Simplified" Strategic Huddle System (DCOE23)
We find a common challenge that most organizations face is a lack of effective communication, resulting in a loss of efficiencies, increased quality issues, and overall lack of employee ownership.
Standard Huddle Centers allow teams to communicate using a structured format allowing the team to address such items as safety, quality and team performance in real time.
Through this process employees are better engaged,becoming problem solvers. Other benefits include regular recognition for employee implementations of continuous improvement ideas while increasing communication skills.
- 44" x 96" Mylar
- Mounting Materials
- Implementation Tools
This system is produced on a crystal clear Polyethylene substrate which allows the use of dry erase markers, easily stores or transports in a rolled up format, and has great adhesive characteristics for the use of sticky notes.
Note: Customer branding included on all tools, where applicable. Tools may differ slightly from photo shown here.